Create your first Pack (Database) in a few minutes
This short guide will show you how to create a very simple contact database going through the basics of managing databases on pakker.io
Create the database
Click on the big blue button in the lower right corner to create your first pack.
When you first log in Pakker you don't have any pack (database) yet.
Click on the New pack button will create immediately a new pack and open it in the Pack Designer.
Pack name and description
Type in a name in the Pack name field and a description in the field below.
As example, we have given here My contacts as pack name and A simple sample contact list as description.
In Pakker, all changes in the pack designer and in the cards are automatically saved. In the designer, a small popup feedback will appear when the layout has been successfully been updated.
Add a label
Open the Components menu by clicking on the blue pencil button on the lower right corner of the screen. Then click on the Label component at the top
Click on a component button will add it automatically on the layout in the first available space starting from the top left corner. The new component will flash once allowing you to know which one has just been created.
Note: At this point you could also choose one of the predefined templates to start with
Resize the label
Drag the resize icon (diagonal arrows) in the lower right corner of the label
In the designer, each component position and size is marked by the surround dashed line.
All components can be resized to your needs. Nevertheless, each component has minimal width and height to ensure the component's functionalities.
Change the label size and content
Double-click on the component or click on the blue pencil button in the top right corner of the label. Enter the new text and set the size and the alignment of the label.
Finish by clicking on the Apply button
Each component type has different options that can be edited in the respective options.
If you make a mistake you can remove any component by clicking on the red trash icon on top right corner of the component.
Add input fields for the contact identity
Add 3 input fields by clicking 3 times on the Input Field button in the components menu. Then add a Typewriter component.
You can add and combine as many components on the database layout.
Arrange the components layout
Drag around the fields with the mouse and resize them in order to arrange the components as shown on the left
You can add and combine as many components on the database layout. Even when your pack as already data, changing the layout will not affect the recorded data.
You can place the components in any place on the card. Pakker adapts automatically the layout on mobile devices: Check the dedicated guide for more on this.
Define the input fields labels
Double-click on each of the input fields and set the resp. Input Label (example: "First Name", "Last Name" & "Phone") and icon.
Proceed equally for the typewriter component.
Switch to the Pack Cards
Now that you have entered some example fields, you can switch to the Card view. To do this, click on the Pack Cards toggle on the top left
While designing your packs you may often switch from the designer to the card view to test the layout.
Add data to the first card
Now that a basic record structure and layout is in place, you can fill data on the first card.
Add new cards
Add a new empty card by clicking on the blue New Button Card in the lower right button.
New cards will always be added at the end of the records. You can rearrange them in the list view as described in the Card List documentation.
To access the cards of your pack use the navigation button or fill the search input field to filter the cards.
- CONGRATULATIONS !!YOU JUST CREATED A COMPLETE NEW PACKYou can start now exploring more features by adding other types of components. Please refer to the additional guides for more information on Pakker features
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